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Fathering – Leadership from Birth

For instance, fathers can push preschoolers to learn to dress themselves, to shake hands with house guests, and, more generally, to deal with the frustrations of daily life. As children begin school, fathers can tell their children of their own experiences in school and encourage them to study hard, teach them about money management, or teach them a sport that will help their children learn about teamwork.
Fathers of adolescents should incorporate discussions of their core beliefs and life experiences into ordinary conversations with their teens and have meals with their children on a regular basis. Fathers should also include their children in some of their work or community activities so as to give their teenaged children a taste of their lives outside the home.

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Leadership Creed: Believe it and You’ve Done it

I have the ability to create my own life the way I want it to be. There are no limitations on what I can do or achieve. Everything I need to make this a reality is already present within me. I need only to acknowledge its presence and decide on how I want to use it to create what I want to manifest in my life. I am much stronger than how people perceive me, think I am or treat me, because they can’t see what’s inside of me. I have the intellect and wisdom to make a significant contribution to the overall quality of my life and the lives of all whom I’m acquainted with.

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Our Wired /Weird Thoughts on Leadership

Jim Collins in good to great alluded to the fact that he wanted to avoid attributing the success of the good to great companies to leadership, but he couldn’t. He said the data was overwhelmingly pointing to leadership as an important factor. He came with level 5 leaders as the driving force behind those companies. Is that true our perceived leadership…what exactly did these leaders do and what makes leadership so crucial to company success.

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Lifelong Lessons for Children

Certainly, we have a limited time on this planet to make our contribution to the richness of life. As a result, people choose different ways to leave their marks and legacies for the generations to follow. Our first area of influence starts in the home, where we are role models for our family and in particular our young children. They learn directly and vicariously from us, watching our every move. Therefore, we have both active and passive influences, and we need to be mindful of how children will integrate these influences into their own lives.