Seeking to make a difference!

More than ever, the world needs each of us to step up and do what we can to make the lives of those in need better. In a world of plenty and abundance, too many people are living on the fringes of life because of starvation, famine, hunger, thirst and desperation for the basic necessities of life…food, water and shelter!

We need to do what we can to combat the inhumane conditions that the world’s children must grow up in and contend with…to give them an escape from the conditions and circumstances they were born into and have no control over. They need hope, an escape from their immediate circumstances of suffering and lack. They deserve to aspire to a future like any of our children born and nurtured in our more affluent societies, wherever you might be.

There are many charities and organizations that have developed mission statements to raise funds to fight various illnesses and diseases, but the one scourge that is most obvious: hunger and poverty, that is most eradicable is allowed to continue over many years unabated. Give the less fortunate children of the world a chance to realize their potential and have a future that is not constrained by the circumstances in which they were born.

Our Vision


CBV360 encircles the globe eliciting the knowledge and inspiration of people from around the globe—the global frontier. We are interested in those ideas, projects, acts and visions that can have a revolutionary effect on our planet and to make life for everyone and everything better! In search of those far-reaching ideas that can make a material difference in our lives.

CBV360 aims to be a guiding light for the present, but also for the future—where the improbable, becomes probable! We believe this can be achieved by maximizing human potential through Leadership By Design.

Our Challenge to You


Helping others is one of the most worthwhile experiences we can have and/or give. Having someone say “thank you” in response to your effort or action shows gratitude because you have done something for them and have made a positive impression.

The Thank You Challenge (TYC) is simple: Don’t allow the day pass without someone uttering the words “thank you” for something you have done genuinely for them beyond any obligations or commitments. It should be heartfelt, genuine and not forced. Offer to pick up the grocery for your neighbour, to rake the leaves from someone’s lawn, pay for a strangers cup of coffee, give up your seat on the train to someone standing, by treats for your coworkers or colleagues, give a stranger your umbrella during a downpour, etc. Do any of these or anything else you can think of without expecting anything in return and with simple genuine smile. Don’t even expect a “thank you.”

Just use TYC as an opportunity to make somebody’s day better, not yours. Surprisingly though, you’ll realize that it helps you even more. Doing things for others and seeing them smile or even say thank you, reassures us of our own worth—emotionally, financially or spiritually. That is, we feel better about ourselves.  Making the effort to be kind and considerate to others also reinforces the fact that people need each other and no one is an island. Make TYC a genuine part of your daily routine.


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